introduce vt. 1.引导,带领。 2.介绍。 3.使开始经验[体验]。 4.推广,采用,引进。 5.提出(议案等)。 6.以…作为文章、讲话的开头。 7.插入。 8.开始。 introduce a guest into the parlour 领客人进客厅。 Allow me to introduce Dr. Li (to you). 请允许我(向你)介绍这位李大夫。 Introduce a freshman to campus life 向新生介绍校内生活。 Introduce oneself 自我介绍。 Introduce a person to town life 让某人开始城市生活。 Introduce a new fashion 采用新式样。 Space science has introduced many new words. 太空科学采用许多新词汇。 Introduce a bill into Congress 向大会提出提案。 Introduce a motion 提出动议。 Introduce a humorous note in a speech 先讲几句幽默话作为演讲的开场白。 Introduce a subject with a short preface 用短序开始讨论一个问题。 Introduce an electric wire into a conduct 把电线插入导管内。 Introduce a probe into a wound 把探针插进伤口里。 Introduce a talk with an anecdote在正式讲演之前先讲一则轶事。 introducible adj.
Companies introduced products always lead the times 公司推出之产品始终引领着时代潮流!
We sincerely hope to offer the service platform of developing world market for our customers and introducing products of home customers by the integration of various resources 驰耐得真诚希望通过资源的整合利用,为广大国内外客商搭建国际市场开发的服务平台和国内客商的产品引进服务。
If you introduce products sincerely and show that you are actually thinking in the best interest of your client , he will notice it and feel more comfortable about placing an order with you 如果?诚恳地介绍产品,并且表现出?是真的在为顾客的最佳利益著想,他一定会注意到,而且下订单给?他也会感到更放心。
Yun - tai technology will be more effective through the development and operation of the means to seek greater room for development , and keep up with the rapid development of the market , has introduced products for the needs of the market 云泰科技将通过更加有效的开发和运营手段寻求更大的发展空间,并紧跟高速发展的市场,不断推出适合市场需要的产品。
Our mission is to harness the combined technologies and know - how of the member companies on a global level , and ensure conformity with the technical format approval procedures established by the dvd forum to develop and introduce products that are attractive to customers Rwppi全面整合各成员公司间全球性的联合技术,遵守dvd forum dvd论坛所制定的规格规定,为用户提供更具吸引力的产品。
Through the consumer s preference towards models with high energy efficiency , we hope that those with poor efficiency will be gradually eliminated by market force . this can also encourage the trade to design and introduce products with higher energy efficiency 只要越来越多消费者选用能源效益较高的电器,能源效益较低的产品便会逐渐被市场淘汰,有助鼓励业界设计和推出能源效益较高的产品。
The government is examining the possibility of introducing product responsibility schemes for different products , including vehicle tyres , rechargeable batteries , electronic and electrical appliances and beverage containers with a view to reducing waste and promoting waste recovery in hong kong 政府正就车胎、充电电池、电子及电器设备及饮品容器研究推行产品责任计划的可行性,旨在减少本港的废物及加强废物回收。
By low - cost and step by step investment , guangzhou showa carry out successfully a series of operation strategies such as lean process , demand flow technology implementation capacity & utilization flexibility , quick response to customer by introducing products 《案例分析》部分分析了广州showa贯彻showa株式会社的竞争战略,采用低成本及逐步投资方法,成功地实施一系列运作策略:精益化的流程策略、需求拉动技术的生产管理、灵活性的生产能力、快速响应客户不断引进新产品。
Round - the - world company is had at present exceed clean workshop ( 10 thousand class ) , introduce product line of several broadbands equipment and parts of an apparatus of several smooth active to enclose a line to reach by abroad of all kinds detect with what accuse at pledging equipment , have produce per year parts of an apparatus of photoelectricity of of all kinds broadband tens of 10 thousand productivity , the product supplies overseas market demand for the most part 环球公司目前拥有超洁净厂房(万级) ,并由国外引进数条宽带设备生产线和数条光有源器件封装线及各类用于质控的检测设备,具有年产各类宽带光电器件数十万只的生产能力,产品大部分供应海外市场需求。
But in our country , the technique level of mdf production is relatively lower than that of foreign ' s . comparing with the introduced product line , the line of our country has some weak points still . and the domestic product line seldom designs the corresponding computer monitored control system 生产线尚存在一些不足之处,与引进生产线相比,国产的mdf生产线很少配套设计计算机监控系统,只是近几年来部分工段采用了plc控制,计算机控制技术的应用则相对落后。